At the conclusion of the year 2020 and the dawn of a new year, let me take this opportunity to thank each and every swami, sannyasi and resident of Ganga Darshan and Sannyasa Peeth for all their help, support, guidance, prayers and love given so generously, without expectation of anything in return.

My utmost gratitude goes to Guruji, Swami Niranjanananda, who has been there for us every moment, cheering us, correcting us, polishing us and chiselling us to make us fit instruments for his energy to flow out into the world and make it a better place. In all humility, I have emptied myself to be a good instrument, one that is in total sync with the player.

The first day I heard Guruji’s satsang at Tryambakeshwar, he had said, “I only want you to pray that I fulfil my sankalpa,” so that is my heartfelt prayer for him. May divinity shower him with His grace and blessings so he can fulfil his sankalpa!

Shantikriya, Mumbai


I want to thank you for the support during this interesting and strange year 2020. For me it was very fruitful. I improved my discipline in practising my sadhana. This helped me to become more stable and strong. I can feel the spark that you light in me and that spark of faith is guiding me forward and helping me to support through your teachings and inspire the people around me.

Thank you Swamiji, and I want to express my gratitude towards all the residents of the ashram. I pray your mission to be successful and let God bless all of you.

Padmavati, Bulgraia


The past year was difficult and exhausting with various hardships for some of us and our loved ones. There was anxiety, depression and sometimes fear. In this joyless atmosphere your digital gifts began to come. With them light and hope entered our homes. We were no longer alone. You were with us. Your love and care for all of us made us braver, more positive and gave us more faith. We are thankful that we can feel the presence of the Guru during the times of physical distance. Thank you that you are with us and for everything you do for us.

Vishwaroopa, Samidha, Sivapriya, Dharmatara and Ram, Bulgaria


Deep pranam from the bottom of my heart! The whole year I have felt protected, encouraged and inspired to pass through the challenges life has placed before all of us, and before myself particularly, with a courage, an understanding, learning and growing. I am so thankful for your care for all of us to be well, to manage with the hard times, to continue with a positive and open mind and soul. The prasad we have received and continue to receive have brought me closer to you, back to the ashram reminding me that we are always together. The feeling at the end of one difficult year and at the beginning of a new, hopefully better, year is of deep gratitude, love and inspiration.

For the New Year I wish you sound health and success in everything you do. If there will be a Panchagni sadhana let it be the strongest and the most successful of all until now. With respect and pranam.

Sannyasi Tarpan Vidya, Bulgaria


Thinking of my last darshan of Sri Swamiji, of India and of the ashrams – tears of happiness are running over my face. All of you – I miss.

In the present time visiting the Indian ashrams is not possible for us. Maybe that is an opportunity to realize that the experience of ashram life is absolutely not self evident, but a gift, whose value cannot be overestimated.

—Sannyasi Antarjyoti, Germany