Dispel the Gloom

Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Political freedom by itself is but a stepping-stone to cultural and eventually spiritual freedom. Two things are essential for its true fulfilment: that the country quickly revives the ancient spiritual traditions of the East, and that the people do not indulge in any kind of vindictive actions against the former rulers. Independence should broaden the peoples’ outlook and make them cultivate all-embracing love. All nations should unite in love with an earnest desire to preserve world peace.

Time and space have dwindled today. The destructive arms of materialism are trying to grasp the soul of man. The Lord is on our side. Inspired by Him, work day and night to awaken the masses to the glory of divine life. The illumined soul, ablaze with knowledge of the Self, will dispel the gloom of materialism in the twinkling of an eye.